

Woking is home to 16041 businesses. Out of the estimated 753, 113 new companies have been created in the city so far this year. It is also worth noting that the number of businesses founded in Woking last year amounts to 1069.

The most valuable businesses among them are: White Heather Developments (Merrow) Limited, with a net worth of GBP 8247759, Ernley Property Investment Co. Limited, worth GBP 6943036 and Savoy Theatre Holdings Limited, with a net worth of GBP 3497783.

When taking into account years in the market, the 3 oldest companies in the city are: Woking Golf Club Estates Limited, founded 122 years 6 months 21 days ago (net worth GBP 0), The Gun Trade Association Limited, founded 111 years 5 months 15 days ago (net worth GBP 0) and West Surrey Building Estates,Limited, founded 89 years 7 months 22 days ago (net worth GBP 1708408).

New companies in WOKING