

Ilford is home to 58601 businesses. Out of the estimated 4493, 654 new companies have been created in the city so far this year. It is also worth noticing that the number of businesses founded in Ilford last year amounts to 6283.

The most valuable businesses among them are: Oleoland Hotel Company Limited, with a net worth of GBP 16204282, United Petrogaz Brokers Ltd, worth GBP 10000000 and Spencers Property Investments Limited, with a net worth of GBP 9356693.

When taking into account years in the market, the 3 oldest companies in Ilford are: Ilford Golf Club Limited(The), founded 114 years 4 months 26 days ago (net worth GBP 714691), G. & A. Tuck Limited, founded 100 years 1 mon 13 days ago (net worth GBP 3307967) and Coughtrey & Son Limited, founded 84 years 11 months 14 days ago (net worth GBP 2259241).

New companies in ILFORD